Friday, December 5, 2008

C'mon children, don't mosey along now
No kvetching please, mommy isn't here to cosset you.
Its time to wash those squalid hands, its time to bake a cake!
Cake, cake, cake, cake, luscious cake!

Now it might seem retrograde
to teach a 5-year-old how to bake,
but I've been called a capricious person.
Impatience is my vice.

Now children don't hold me in a gaze of animosity,
it mars your exquisite face.
Now let's get started with,
a pinch of sugar, a dust of flour, an egg here and there.

Now for the final touch, some tincture 
for a bit of color. Yes a bit of color.
Delectable, sterling, and just excellent.
Yes children you are wonderful.

animosity- feeling of strong dislike
capricious- impulsive
sterling- excellent, mint
squalid- dirty or rough
tincture- a substance that dries into color
cosset- to coddle like a pet or small child
kvetch- to complain 
mosey- meander 

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

creepy. who is this? sterile but cooking and catering to kiddies. hmm. - elmeer